#WriterWednesday Tips: “There’s No Point”

There’s no point trying to write when you’re tired. There’s no point trying to write when you’re inebriated; you are not Ian Fleming. There’s no point trying to write when people in the room are expecting you to be attentive to their presence. There’s no point trying...

August 29: 60-second Read from Miracle Man

In this week’s 60-second read we see how protagonist Robert James Austin’s accomplishments in finding cures for previously terminal diseases bring controversy, protest, and… Unity? Walking toward Tufts, Bobby saw a large crowd of people gathered in...

August 8: 60-second Read from Miracle Man

In this week’s 60-second read we meet Orin Varneys, Director of OSSIS (the Office of Special Strategic Intelligence Services), and get a look into the formative relationship between him and protagonist Bobby Austin.   Director Varneys’ office was impressive...

August 1: 60-second Read from Miracle Man

It’s already August, the last full month of summer, and many are starting to look back at memories of this past summer. In that spirit I wanted this week’s 60-second read to echo that sentiment of reflection. The following excerpt of Miracle Man takes a...